

for time:

75 x kettlebell swings 24kg/16kg

50 x thrusters 20kg/15kg

25 x pull-ups

50 x thrusters 20kg/15kg

75 x kettlebell swings 24kg/16kg


in 4 minutes:

40/30 x calorie row

remaining time max reps - hang dumbbell clean & press 22.5kg/15kg

-2:00 rest-

in 4 minutes:

40 x thrusters 30kg/20kg

remaining time max reps - burpee over bar

-2:00 rest-

in 4 minutes:

40/30 x calorie ski

remaining time max reps - press-ups

-2:00 rest-

in 4 minutes:

50 x wall balls

remaining time max reps - burpee to target

-2:00 rest-

in 4 minutes:

50 x kettlebelll swings 24kg/16kg

remaining time max reps - assault bike calories

-2:00 rest-

in 4 minutes:

30 x burpee box jumps

remaining time max reps - double-unders



15 minute emom of:

3 x power snatch 70% + 5 x brupees

-5:00 rest-

5 rounds of 1 minute on / 1 minute off

row for max calories


12 minute amrap of:

10/8 x calorie row

10 x left arm hang kettlebell snatch 24kg/16kg

10 x right arm hang kettlebell snatch 24kg/16kg

20 x press-ups

-4:00 rest-

12 minute amrap of:

10/8 x calorie ski

10 x hang power clean 50kg/35kg

10 x front squat 50kg/35kg

10 x push press 50kg/35kg

-4:00 rest-

12 minute amrap of:

30 x double-unders

20 x alternating dumbbell snatch 22.5kg/15kg

10 x burpee box jump



5 rounds for time of:

20 x wall balls

15 x toes to bar

10 x power cleans 60kg/42.5kg


15 minute amrap of:

30 x double-unders

20 x pull-ups

10 x squat cleans 60kg/42.5kg

-5:00 rest-

15 minute amrap of:

10/8 x calorie ski

10 x left arm dumbbell push press 22.5kg/15kg

10 x left arm dumbbell front squat 22.5kg/15kg

10 x right arm dumbbell push press 22.5kg/15kg

10 x right arm dumbbell front squat 22.5kg/15kg



5 rounds of:

40 seconds on / 20 seconds off - alternate each movement

1 - ski calories

2 - hang kettlebell snatch 24kg/16kg

3 - row calories

4 - burpee box jump


tabata 20 seconds on / 10 seconds off x 8 rounds

1 - burpee to targert

2 - air squat

3 - pull-ups

4 - wall ball

-5:00 rest-

1 - ski calories

2 - thrusters 20kg/15kg

3 - plyo press-ups

4 - assault bike calories



partner workout

4 x 4 minute rounds of:

partner a - 25/20 x calorie row

partner b - 8 x dumbbell man-makers 15kg/10kg

then switch over

remaining time max reps x synchro burpee box jumps

-1:00 rest-


partner workout

4 x 4 minute rounds of:

partner a - 25/20 x calorie row

partner b - 8 x dumbbell man-makers 15kg/10kg

then switch over

remaining time max reps x synchro burpee box jumps

-1:00 rest-

-5:00 rest-

4 x 4 minute rounds of:

partner a - 25/20 x calorie ski

partner b - 30 x slam balls

then switch over

remaining time max reps x synchro back squat 60kg/42.5kg

-1:00 rest-